Mission San Francisco Solano sits on the corner of Sonoma’s town square. Mission art and architecture remains the focal point of this City – a wine country jewel.
This mission is one of two California Missions owned and operated by the California State Park system and was the last of the 21 missions to be founded. It’s chapel was deconsecrated and sold by the Diocese. The missions original purpose was lost to war and politics, its Catholic history muddled in Church and State controversy. It is mostly remembered for its military attributes (the Bear Flag Revolt occurred in the square) and tribal members buried in an the historic graveyard, their names inscribe in a nearby plaque. This mission is often confused with the Mission San Francisco de Assisi (also known as Mission Dolores.) It is in fact named for Saint Francis Solano, Franciscan Priest and missionary.
The Historic Mission Trail is a proud part of California State history. Our fourth-graders are required to research, study and present a model of their chosen mission.
The Church remains mingled in our past and ever present in our history.