The best of the web this week:
This eight minute video will change the way you look at yourself and possibly you daughter. We should all see ourselves in the image and likeness of God. Which of coarse means we are perfect just the way we are. Click here to view a photographer’s project about women accepting who they are. It will change the way you think of Selfies. Good view for Dads to watch too. Click her Selfies
Last week at mass our Youth Minister got up after mass and got the entire congregation to sing “This Little Light of Mine.” – It fit with the sermon. That oh so over used children’s worship song may be one you don’t really look forward to hearing once your kids have outgrown hand motions while singing. But I think you will enjoy this one. I found it at 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday when I woke with it on repeat in my head. It really lift me up to praise Him in the morning. Don’t forget that. When your down, praise Him and it lifts you back up. This Little Light Of Mine.